Visit Scotland
With lockdown rules easing and the weather improving we are anticipating that Scotland will be a popular destination this year again for staycations. Scotland is a beautiful and special country, we all have a responsibility to look after and care for Scotland environment, follow this link and watch a short video produced by visit Scotland on respecting and protecting the environment and do your part to preserve Scotland's beauty for many years to come.
A Guide to Motorhoming in Scotland
I think its easier to ask you to watch a short and informative video produced by Visit Scotland, the video explains the importance
- of planning ahead and outline's how to drive on Scotland roads safely.
- the importance of following the outdoor access code and what impact you actions may have on the environment.
- Learn about the importance of "Leave no trace" and only taking away memories.
- and lastly disposing of your motorhome waste appropriately.

Visit Scotland's Tourism Promise
Its everyone’s responsibility to protect the areas there visiting. As members of visit Scotland, we are asking all our customers to think and honor the tourism promise (see below). The promise is a series of responsible actions and behaviors that will help preserve Scotland beauty for many more generations,
I promise to care for Scotland's nature. I will…
- Not disturb the incredible wildlife that has roamed this epic land for centuries.
- Tread lightly to protect their habitats.
- Be considerate to farmland and livestock.
- Keep my dog on a lead when needed.
- Stick to the marked roads, tracks and paths.
- Take my litter home with me.
- Take only photos and leave only footprints.
- Observe the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.
I promise to care for Scotland's communities. I will...
- Slow down, and savor every moment of what there is to see, do and learn.
- Shop local to enjoy the best products and support Scottish makers and businesses.
- Respect the locals and their resources.
- Fáilte (embrace) and respect the Gaelic language.
- Sample the delicious, seasonal foods available all across Scotland.
- Seek out and respect the rich and diverse cultures that are found throughout Scotland.
- Avoid crowded places and come back when it’s less busy.
- Take care when exploring the great outdoors, and bring/wear the right equipment.
- Check ahead to see if there is access or parking.
- Park my vehicle safely and responsibly.
- Follow physical distancing guidance and wear my mask as required.
I promise to care for Scotland and the world's tomorrow. I will…
- Leave the car when I can and walk, cycle, paddle or use public transport instead.
- Hire an electric vehicle where possible and take advantage of the many charge points that are now available across Scotland.
- Check the green credentials of all of the businesses I use to travel, stay and explore.
- Enjoy the pure waters that run from the tap, not single-use bottles.
- Switch off the lights and look up at the stars.

Thank you for promising to keep Scotland special by exploring this incredible country responsibly.
#visitScotland, #onlyinScotland, #RespectProtectEnjoy