When driving motorhome on single track roads .The west coast of Scotland has many a single track road and when driving a larger vehicle like a motorhome it is worth bearing in mind the rules for driving a road with passing places. A few rules, most of them golden.
Rule 1 - When driving motorhome on single track roads and approaching a car and it is clear that you are going to arrive in a passing place first or just ahead of the oncoming vehicle here's what to do.... IF the bay or passing place is on the right PLEASE stop opposite it. DO NOT suddenly wrench your vehicle across the road into it. Obviously if the passing place is on the left then you get into it - Remember we drive on the Left.
Rule 2 Do not hold up a vehicle coming up behind you. Pull into the next passing point and let them past. It is ok to allow yourself to wonder why anyone would want to drive as fast as that when there is all this scenery to look at but remember not everyone is on holiday and it may be a local going about their daily work.
Using a passing place to allow overtaking Rule 3 When driving motorhome on single track roads Give a friendly wave – You may find it frustrating if the other driver does not wave back. But most people are good at waving a friendly thank you.
ealach na ba to applecross
Rule 4. Passing places are not for parking. They are to allow passing so no stopping to take photos or have a picnic. And remember don't go to fast not only will you miss the fabulous scenery that's on offer but a lot of the roads are winding and have many a blind bend - so go canny and enjoy the drive. Posted by scottishtourer.co.uk