Arriving by the end of March/beginning of April Puffins call Scotland there home for the summer. Known as clowns of the sea by many Scottish people they are easily spotted with their distinctive black and white feathers, and a bright orange beak. Amazingly a puffin’s beak (also known as its bill) and its feet changes colour, in winter they dull down to a grey colour and then in spring they change back to an unmissable orange, its believed that the colour off the puffin’s bill helps other birds assess the quality of potential mates.
If traveling in Scotland and being on the hunt for puffins interests you, hiring a motorhome Is a fantastic way to enjoy spotting these beautiful birds. All our luxury vehicles are kitted out so you can wild camp comfortably meaning you can park up safely without having to worry. There is ample storage in the motorhomes meaning you don’t need to worry about struggling to carry on board items such as camera equipment if photography is a passion. We hire couples only motorhomes or have family vehicles available if you are traveling as a family.
Where is best to spot puffins?
Puffins are spotted around many different parts of the Scottish coast, destinations include Isle of May, St Kilda, Orkney and the Shetlands. A popular island that many previous customers have also visited and always enjoyed is Handa Island.
To visit the Handa Island, you head to Tarbet and then take the boat across. We would recommend spending at least 2 hours there, it gives you the opportunity to have a look around searching for puffins and spotting the different types of 100,000 that descend to Handa Island. The island itself is worth the trip to experience the breath-taking cliffs and the opportunity to spot some dolphins, whales, and sharks. (Take full advantage of the binoculars supplied in the motorhome)
If you are lucky enough to see a puffin travelling with food, you will be amazed at what the tiny bird can carry in its mouth. They dive into the water as far down as 60meters to capture their favourite fish and then fly back to their nest. The average catch tends to be around 10 fish, but it’s been reported that the record in the UK is a puffin carrying 62 fish at the one time. When the puffin travels underwater, they use their wings to almost mimic them flying while their feet act as a rudder helping them swim.
At the end of a busy day on the Island, we couldn’t imagine anything better than jumping into the motorhome and heading to find a place to stop, whether this be on a campsite or a wild camp spot. You can park up safely and if the weather is on your side, put the awning out, get some locally sourced food, relax, enjoy a BBQ and a few glasses of wine.
We have over 30 years’ experience in travelling in a motorhome so are more than happy to offer our guidance in helping you pick the best route to suit your needs. For more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Send us an email today – [email protected]